Tagged with 'Athlete'

Keenan Takahashi - Japan Part I

Keenan Takahashi bouldering
“We’ll be able to see Fujisan today,”  Toshi states, as the rising sun shines through the windows of his sedan. It is barely 6 a.m. and the early rays are a rare sight considering that the flag is designed around the sun... Read more

Evan Hau - Time Off Climbing

Evan Hau climbing
In the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic with stay-at-home restrictions all over the world, anxiety about not being able to go rock climbing and how to stay in shape may be one more thing on the growing list of issues to be stressed out about... Read more

Jonnah Perkins - Farm Life

Jonnah Perkins running through the forest

When I tell people that I live in Vermont, Wisconsin they are usually confused, which is a good thing, because it opens up a conversation about what it’s like here...

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